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The Ultimate Posture Checklist​


Posture Correction Can Stop You Hunching Over


Written by Mark El-Hayek


How often do you think about your posture in a day?

Once? Twice?

I have no doubt that you have more important things to do then think about your posture.

I don’t blame you either…when it comes to staying on top of your work, poor posture is the last thing on your mind.

The problem is, your poor posture at home and work is what teaches your body to stay in those incorrect positions permanently.

Posture correction through chiropractic treatment can re-teach your body to have good posture without you thinking about it!

Bad Posture Comes From Habit

Your body only does what you teach it.

In the words of the philosopher Wil Durant “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Posture, like excellence, comes down to habit.

When you’ve been sitting slumped in a chair day after day for multiple years, as unfortunate as it is, you’re not going to all of a sudden have good posture when you decide its time to start sitting up straight again.

In fact,

Forcing your body to stay upright can often do more harm than good because it causes certain muscles to constantly tense up, which eventually fatigue and can lead to pain and injury.

How Posture Correction Changes The Way You Sit

Sitting and standing with bad posture causes compression on the joints and muscles in your body.

This causes the joints in your spine to stiffen and stop moving properly.

It also produces weak muscles in some areas and overactive, tight muscles in other areas. Weak muscles can’t hold the body upright and therefore cause further slumping of your mid-back and neck as well as forward head carriage.

Posture correction can:

– Increase the movement in your joints so that you can maintain good posture without fatigue or pain.
– Sit or stand upright without constantly thinking about your posture
– Prevent aches and discomfort in your body due to poor posture
– Keep your good posture permanently, by reducing tension in tight areas and therefore stopping other areas becoming weak and underactive.

What’s the Underlying Cause of Your Poor Posture

Posture correction starts by finding the underlying cause of your poor posture.

No, not prolonged sitting or standing.

I’m talking about the changes in your body that caused changes in other areas.

Your body should be seen as an entire unit. Changes you get in one area are always going to cause changes in other areas.

If your shoulders are rolling forward, did this come about because your head moved forward first? Or vice versa?

Finding the root cause of your postural changes will determine how your posture can improve and stay that way.

Get A Posture Correction Assessment Today

If you feel as though you’ve been dealing with poor posture for too long, poor posture treatment can help.

Correcting posture begins with an accurate assessment so treatment, exercises and rehabilitation are tailored specifically to your postural changes. General exercises where you do anything and everything to ‘fix your posture’ aren’t always effective.

For an accurate posture assessment consultation, call us today or book online to see how we can help you start improving your posture.


Learn how posture correction can help improve your posture

The Ultimate Posture Checklist

Download your free posture checklist and start applying these easy tips to improve your posture when sitting, sleeping and standing.

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